Tuesday, September 27, 2011

She's a Daddy's Girl.

There is nothing like the bond between father and daughter.

She's Daddy's girl.

Friday, September 23, 2011

First day of Fall.

September 23rd marks the end of summer and the beginning of another season...fall. All too soon, the leaves will change to gorgeous shades of deep reds, oranges, and browns. The sunny, 70-something degree days will turn to a slightly less warm version.

The past week or so has been rainy, cold, and dark. We waited for a break in the clouds and a boost in the temperature so we could squeeze in every last bit of summer that was left.

Yesterday boasted sunny skies and high's in the mid seventies. We soaked up the last day of summer by lounging in the grass, coloring with chalk in the driveway, and blowing bubbles into the evening sky. It was splendid.

Everything is changing. The seasons, the weather, my girls.
Hannah was singing into a dandelion stem while Sarah tried to swipe it out of her hands.

Hannah had her 30 month check up yesterday. Each visit to the pediatrician's office reminds me once more of why I absolutely hate to go. I can't expect any different from my girls. That place is crawling with germs, dirty kids (with no shoes!), and a million other things I'd rather not be exposed to. Nonetheless, Hannah checked out just fine, weighing in at just over 24 pounds. They told me she grew in heigth as well, but no one bothered to tell me exactly how much.
After a shot, a Tweety bandaid, and three stickers, we headed home.

Sarah showed off her FIRST tooth (top left!) in all it's glory...

This is by far my favorite picture of Sarah to date! Thanks to Hannah for making her laugh THIS hard!! ::swoon::

I hate to see summer end, but I'm excited for what the next season holds for my family! ;)

Saturday, September 10, 2011


This'll be quick, as my girls have spent the last few days trashing every room of the house. I'm beginning my rounds to begin putting stuffed animals, Little People figurines, and the like back in their designated spots.

On a whim, Micah and I took the girls to the mall last night. I had the girls ready to go so that as soon as he pulled in the driveway from work, we began loading them into the car.

I needed to run out anyway, as my glorious 100L needed shipped to Canon for repairs. Forty-five dollars later, it is on it's way. I'm hoping it will be returned in proper working order and will stay that way for a long time. After all, one should think a $1000 lens should last longer than two and a half months.

We went to the mall and headed straight for the food court for a quick dinner. Given the option of Chick-Fil-A or pizza, Hannah decided on pizza. We sat and ate, me cutting up slices for Hannah, Micah keeping Sarah occupied with Puffs. It was a wonderfully relaxing meal. We cleaned up our table, packed up our juice boxes and snacks, and started along our way...and then she saw it.
She's never noticed it before. Never asked about it. Never gave it a second glance. But last night, she was intrigued. She knew she wanted to give it a try, and so we let her.
We weren't sure how she'd react once it started moving, so Micah rode along with her...talking her through the ride.
Her look of uncertainty quickly faded after the first lap.
I watched in awe as the simplicity of that ride that gave my little girl such delight.
She had so much fun. She's asked me several times today if we can ride it again "tomowee".
I may give in to that little face and take her to the mall just for the train ride. :)

I marvel at my girls. They so examine life. The little things. Things we'd often pass off as nothing out of the ordinary or exciting.
Sarah spent over twenty minutes examining her afternoon snack. She gazed at the little bits with such interest.

I sat and watched her play. How much do I miss by not taking the time to really examine the little things in life?

Life is precious. Every little thing. I don't want to be so busy that I forget to take in the most important things. No matter how simple or small they may seem. :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hard work pays off.

When we bought our house this past December, we knew it needed some work. Paint, updates, a few repairs here and there, a leveled patio with a french drain...

Work has begun on that new omni stone patio...
Thanks for all you do, Dad.

We let Hannah be a kid and play in the dirt, rocks, and sand which led to two bubble baths that day.

Nikki stopped for a quick visit before heading back home to Ohio.
Hannah loves her.
I am happy to report that our patio is thisclose to being finished. :)

We celebrated a momentous event at 8:59 the morning of the patio renovation...

...a certain someone turned eight months old. My heart hurt a little. I want my babies to grow, thrive, mature as they should. I want to experience every life stage with them. But I want to freeze time, too. They'll only be this little once.
As I waited for the clock to flip from 8:58 to 8:59am, I closed my eyes to better picture where we were that exact moment just eight months ago. I can't tell you how much I love them. How my heart has swelled with love for them daily from the moment I knew they existed.

Raising and loving a child (or two!) isn't easy. It's hard work. But nothing worth having comes easily. Hard work pays off.

I love watching them grow.

I love watching them discover...

I love to love them.

They teach me to love deeper by loving each other.

And that if you fall, all you have to do is get back up again.

And that no matter what is going on, to smile.

Never give up.

Never lose faith.

Never stop believing.

Hard work always pays off.

:) Enjoy your loved ones.