I've also been wanting to put my pictures into a storyboard for easier viewing, as well as to save me some time uploading a dozen individual pictures. I found a free plug in for this and have been playing around with it. These pictures are barely edited, if at all, and are thrown haphazardly into these storyboard templates, so bear with me.
Okay, so Thanksgiving 2012:
Micah had to work the day before, so we did school, then worked on the sticker books my Mom got them.
Noah hung out on the floor in the dining room while we played, then Sarah joined him.
I must have been particularly lazy with the picture taking this day, because this is all I've got.
Thanksgiving morning, we got the kids bathed, dressed, then headed to the kitchen to make cinnamon pie crust rolls. My Gram used to make these with the leftover dough when I was little. They are SO good that Micah and I will whip up Gram's secret pie crust recipe every once in a while JUST to make them.
This storyboard is really a mess. Hannah's flipping through one of my recipe books, Noah's hanging out in the bouncer, and Micah's rolling out the pie crust. No rhyme or reason to this one, I tell ya.
After our pie crust cinnamon rolls were baked, we headed to Gram and Pap's. It was so nice out that we walked down. I love when we get surprised with a few warmer days this time of year. As long as we have a White Christmas, I would much prefer these milder temperatures!Hannah really wanted to help Pap with the turkey, so we got her bundled up again and she and Sarah headed out to the yard.
We actually cook our turkeys under garbage cans. I know that probably sounds strange, but we've been doing it for as long as I can remember and it is SO good. The meat literally falls off the bone, and it gives it the most subtle smoked flavor. It is so delicious!
The girls followed Pap up into the yard. The picture of him holding the garbage can with a stick cracks me up. Apparently, there is a HUGE brown spider that lives in his shed. If you know my Dad, he HATES spiders. To avoid one climbing or falling on him, he retrieves the garbage can with a stick. haha
Checking out the can... After my Dad got the turkey on, the girls played. After we got the turkey set up, we took the kids home to nap, then headed back over to Gram and Pap's for Thanksgiving dinner. I promise the girls ate more than corn. After dinner, Noah hung out on the couch. LOOK at his sweater! He isn't wearing them here, but he was also sporting tiny black loafers. :swoon: Biggie yawn! We got one of him smiling!! After dinner at my Mom's, we headed to Aunt Cheryl, Uncle Gene, and Grandma's house to visit. We didn't leave until almost 10:00, and the kids were exhausted, but we had such a great day. Happy Thanksgiving!