We've had an interesting month. The day after my last post, Hannah came down with a horrific cold that resulted in fevers, snot, congestion, vomiting, sleepless nights, cranky kids, Sarah catching it a few days later...it was awful. Thankfully, that's all behind us now, and we've been enjoying good health for the last few weeks.
In the meantime, I've acquired studio lighting and have been playing around with it and loving every minute. Before I decided what I wanted, I took my speedlite off camera and used a 60" shoot-through umbrella.
Oh my, do I love this one!
After I knew I was going to like this whole studio thing, I decided to purchase studio lighting. After much debate, I decided on a "martian" pink Alienbee 800, and a giant softbox. It's a huge learning curve, but I'm having a blast
Sarah wasn't having this whole picture-taking thing. The huge softbox scared her and she just wanted to be done. :(