Thursday, March 31, 2011

Time- Managed.

I am feeling a bit frustrated as of late. There is so much I want to learn, to accomplish, yet I always fall short on time.

A few months ago, Micah purchased editing software through his university's online bookstore. It saved us 80% of the retail price, so we took advantage of the deal and ordered Lightroom 3 and Photoshop Elements 9.

I couldn't wait to get my hands dirty and start editing my photographs. Afterall, I had downloaded Lightroom's 30 day free trial and fell in love. If I under or overexposed a picture in camera, I could pull the RAW file into Lightroom and correct it. White balance off? No problem! I now had the ability to fix it!
Although my knowledge of post processing is very limited, I've been able to make having the software worthwhile, if not just for the ability to add my watermark (which, by the way, is loud and needs a ton of work. I'm researching!).
Now, having owned these two amazing programs for several weeks, and after reading Scott Kelby's books regarding the software, I feel somewhat more enlightened. Somewhat would be the key word here. I'm still so rough. I know about 1/3rd, if not less, of what I need to know to really be able to do what I would like to do. I have the resources to learn more, but there is one factor in this matter that makes this whole equation impossible, and that is...TIME.

I don't have enough of it.

Trying to research or read during the hours of 7:30AM and 9:00PM is laughable. I am pulled in multiple directions during the day. From feedings, to diaper changes, relay races in the living room, to redirecting a potential temper tantrum. I'm a Mom. It's my job, and I am so glad that I have two beautiful girls that have given me this most important job title. But, it is still frustrating to me to feel unaccomplished in the hobby area of my life.
While most probably think I'm going a bit overboard with my newfound obsession hobby, I've truly found something I love to do and want to work really hard to perfect my skills...both in camera, and in post processing.

So what's a girl to do? I could rise before the crack of dawn (doesn't this phrase always make you imagine a chubby plumber bent over peering into a kitchen cabinet determing the culprit behind a leaking sink?! Or is that just me?) or stay up until all hours of the night reading or playing around with different actions and presets. Other than this one option, I've got nothing.
And if you know me, staying up much past 11:00PM is out of the question. I'm pretty good at waking up between 4:00 and 5:00AM and being able to function, (admittedly better if I squeeze in a nap mid-afternoon)but honestly, it's just not ideal.

How badly do I want this? Although this post focuses mainly on the post processing world of the art of photography, I'm also finding it difficult to pull out my camera during the day to practice shooting. I know this is bound to change once we have a few warm, sunny days, as we'll be spending a good part of our afternoons outside. This will allow for new photo opportunities. And really, who isn't more creative when the skies aren't gray and gloomy?

That's where I'm at. Feeling frustrated at my lack of progress. Having difficulty finding time to accomplish the things I want without letting another area of my life completely slide. I know progress and improvement of skills will come with time...I just don't know how much time we're talking.

Life moves so quickly. Days, weeks and months fly by. Children grow and mature before our very eyes. We can't slow it down, nor can we stop time. This is the reason for my love of this hobby. Photographing the moment captures it for a lifetime. I may not remember how Hannah wore her hair today when I think back in twenty years, but I'll have the ability to pull up my file dated 3/31/11 and see just that. Soft curls pulled back in a messy pony tail. The red and white bow peeking up from behind the waves.
I probably won't remember where Sarah sat while Hannah played, but flipping through an album will remind me. Propped up comfortably in her Boppy, wrapped in her mint green afghan, looking on as her big sister plays.
It is for these reasons that I'll continue to push forward. I'll push myself to be better. I will be better. I will learn, and I will capture lasting memories.

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