In other Hannah-related news, I picked up a few more things for her party. I had bought a bright pink tablecloth and dessert plates at Target (because they were REALLY on sale), so I bought light pink cups, silverware, and napkins as an accent color. I think everything will go really well together and it goes along with our "all-pink" theme! I couldn't a pastel Happy Birthday sign, and it's too late to order one, so I had to settle for one in primary colors. I'm sure no one will notice and it will still be cute!
Sorry these posts have been so short! It was a long day for us! Micah was sick with some nasty stomach virus, so none of us got much sleep last night. So little in fact, that I stayed home from work today. Ugh. He's feeling much better now, thank goodness. Hopefully we'll all be back to normal by tomorrow!
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