After breakfast, we headed back upstairs for a bath. She absolutely loves playing in the tub and it's usually a wrestling match to try and get her out. Today she was enthralled with her washcloth and was not too pleased with me when I took it off of her to get her dried off. Imagine, a sopping wet washcloth in hand as I'm trying to dry her off. Needless to say, I won that one and she settled for her rubber ducky that I promptly dried off for her.
I had to snap a picture of her playing after her bath. I love the way her hair looks after it's been washed! All of the soft curls and "fly-aways" are so precious!
After a bath, I managed to get Hannah down for a nap without nursing her! This works out fine when my Mom or Micah are here with her, but I've never tried it. Micah and I are more than ready for another baby, and with me still breastfeeding, my chances of conceiving are lower. If we continue to be successful with naps, we will now be down to three nursing sessions a day, morning, before her afternoon nap, and right before bed. It's bittersweet for me. I don't want to start weaning her, but I know that if I do get pregnant, I'll have to wean her much faster then. I'd rather do it gradually which is why I'm starting now. I've made it to a year (on the 22nd..:O) ) and that was my long-term goal. I will continue to nurse her before bed until I either get pregnant or she wants to stop. I can't believe we are almost to the end of this part of our mother-daughter relationship. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I'm so happy we made it this far!
Hannah woke up from her nap (2 1/2 hours later!) in a fantastic mood, so we had a mini photo shoot!
Pardon my un-made bed. I usually make it first thing in the morning, but I slacked off a little and let it go until late afternoon..:O/
Hannah playing with her Scout alphabet fridge toy...
...and as usual, this is where Scout landed two seconds later...
I'm posting a few cute ones from the last few days since I am still in a blogging slump:
She will find the most minuscule crumb of food on her tray to play with!
Fun with Daddy!
Have a GREAT night!
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