Sarah slept well again last night, making it from a little after 11:00 until 5:00 this morning. Although I got several hours of uninterrupted sleep, I still felt utterly exhausted when she awoke to eat.
In attempts to wake myself up, I showered, got dressed, did my hair and makeup, and made my way to our family room, Sarah in tow. It didn't help. By this time, it was almost 7:30 and I had been up for 2 1/2 hours. I surfed the web, fed Sarah again, then resorted to the baby swing.
She fell asleep, and slept for an hour. Ugh. I was still exhausted, and irritated that she and I were the only ones up in the house. Hannah and Micah were still tucked warmly in their beds, and there I sat, sleepy with a wide-awake newborn.
Fortunately, after one more feeding, she gave in to her heavy eyelids and fell asleep on my chest. I hate to admit it, but when my eyes focused in on the clock a few hours later, it read 11:00. Oh, how I hate to sleep away my day. At the same time, I know my body is still healing (after all, she's not quite 3 weeks old!) and I won't feel this exhausted forever.
Since I got such a late start on my day, nothing exciting has been accomplished. Bathrooms were cleaned, the kitchen was scrubbed, Sarah was bathed (her first real bath since she is now umbilical cord free!) after a spit-up mishap, and Hannah was put down for a nap...which she is still taking. Micah and Sarah are napping as well, and here I sit. Although I am tired, I refuse to waste any more of my day sleeping.
I've messed around with my camera today, as that was my New Year's Resolution. I completed Week 2's lesson today and am quite satisfied with myself...tee hee.
I feel like I've learned so much over the last few weeks, just by reading. Reading can only take you so far, though. For the first time, I can honestly say I'm enjoying the practice as well!
So, with no further adieu, my pictures for today - Day 2 of my photo challenge!
shutter speed 1/80 aperture f/5.6 iso 1600
Now, I froze the water droplets:
shutter speed 1/1000 aperture f/1.8 iso 1600
Pretty neat! I was excited about this!
And now a picture of two of my three loves...the third love was tucked warmly in her big girl bed snoozing.
Good night! ;)
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