So, supposedly I'll only have to change those settings once...whew! I've opened my Photobucket account, uploaded my picture from today, and am ready to upload it to my blog.
Here goes nothin'!
Baby Sarah was ecstatic that the Steelers won!
Okay, so there are several things wrong with this photo that *I* see. Any other opinions would be greatly appreciated. First off, this photo is HUGE. I don't mind it because my baby is gorgeous. I'm adding "resizing" to my to-do list. I know there is a way to do it, I just have to read up on it.
Secondly, the coloring is off. I'm pretty sure I had my WB (white balance) set to Tungsten lighting, my ISO was bumped up to 1600, but other than that, I have no clue what I did. I'm adding that to my to-do list as well.
It's not tack sharp...I only know what this means because I just started reading my Scott Kelby book that my bro got me for Christmas. Thanks, Mark! I need to work on that as well.
Let's hope I/we see drastic improvements in the next several weeks!
Okay, so I'm still trying to figure out how to downsize my monster pictures, but in the meantime, I played with some editing on my computer, and got this as a result:
Shutter Speed 1/50 Aperture f/2.0 ISO 800 Canon EF 50mm f/1.8
A little better, don't you think?
OH! And I figured out my settings! Yay!
I'm back...again. Someone on the photography board on The Bump was kind enough to share a website with me explaining very simply how to change photo size. I'm going to try this again:
I think it worked! Okay, so now onto bigger and better things!
Next post will involve the second week's lesson from Two Peas. I'm so pleased with how the pictures turned out!
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