So today, with lots of energy and motivation, I got all of my stuff together for taxes. Can I tell you what a pain that was?! Now that I'm considered self-employed, there is sooo much more I have to do! From finding receipts and tallying up bills, I did it all. After I finished, I felt like I was waste-deep in paperwork! I turned my paperwork in to our "tax man" (he's a family friend)only to find out that we are STILL missing a few things. Ugh. Back to the drawing board!!
On top of the taxes, I also did some extensive research on a convertible car seat for Hannah. She's getting so tall that I'm sure her infant car seat needs retired. I've narrowed it down to two options: the Britax Boulevard CS in Riviera:

And the Britax Advocate CS in Kathryn:

Can you guess which one I like better? I LOVE the Advocate, mostly for the pattern. The problem? Babies R Us only carries them online at this point. This wouldn't be a problem, but I have a $100 prepaid debit card from Verizon that I want to use toward her car seat. I don't know how to use that card AND pay the remaining balance with another card. See my dilemma? I've e-mailed Babies R Us to see if this is possible. If I don't hear anything back, we're going with the Boulevard, because I like that pattern, too.
We also had company today! Aunt Cheryl came to visit! She was sweet enough to bring Hannah a Valentine's gift as well! I got a few pictures of the action!
She loves her Aunt!
"Look! Mommy has that camera out again!"
She's the center of attention! ;)
Since I hardly have any pictures of the two of us, I had Micah take a few pictures...
She's definitely Mommy's girl!!
...and just because these are too funny NOT to post...Hannah was eating a few of her 'lil Crunchies at dinner last night and got one stuck on her bottom lip. The funniest part was she didn't know it was stuck there. Micah and I were laughing so hard! She's so cute!
Well, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and Micah and I are actually going out on a date...alone! This will be our first time out together since June. Sad I know. It's about time! We're heading to Red Lobster, and then car seat shopping! I can't wait!
Goodnight! :)
Well, how was Red Lobster? I'm glad you got to go out for V-day!!! Hannah is so precious!!! How cute with her crunchie. By the way, your living room looks awesome (what I see of it). I like the pink pattern too, but if the only way to use that card is to go with the other one, it's nice too. Hannah won't Luke is asleep right now, how blissful. See ya on Saturday!!! Say a prayer we don't get youknow who. When you said 90 minutes you weren't kidding!!!!!