It looks like the other top tooth is going to break through any day. I can't believe she's getting all of these teeth! It still seems like she's so little, but in reality, she's almost a year old! I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again, time has really flown by!
Although I didn't really take many pictures this week, I did sneak a few in the other day. I came home from work to find Grammy and Pappy showing Hannah all of the pictures and things on the wall. She was mesmerized by our clock on the wall, so Pap let her touch it!
I told Hannah to be easy, and Pap told me not to worry! (She's allowed to touch anything she wants in the house when Pap and Gram are here!)
Showing Pap Mommy's Willow Tree figurines...
Unfortunately there wasn't much to report for this past week. We're still kind of snowy up here, so not too many trips out...and when we're home, we have been lounging around. Here's hoping this week finds us somewhat more productive and interesting!
Have a nice night! :O)
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