We're doing really well with our napping, too! She's been taking both of her naps in her crib for the last four days! If by Saturday, we're still on a roll, I think I'll have Micah pack up the swing to free up some additional space in her room. Now that she's "on the move", we're going to need all of the space we can get!
In other "Hannah News", she has started to throw temper tantrums. They are horrible! If she throws something out of her reach, she wants me to get it for her. She simply will NOT lean over to get it. She looks at me, points to it and says "Eh"...as if to say, "Okay Ma, do your job!" It's hysterical! After a few seconds of me encouraging her to reach for her toy, (she really can do it, I'm not being mean!) she broke down. I tried picking her up to comfort her, but she looked right at me, opened her mouth as WIDE as it would go and screamed at me. It was the funniest thing I think she's done to date! How in the world are you supposed to correct a 10 month old's behavior?! I scooped her up and made her cuddle with me until she settled down. It worked...eventually. I had to distract her a bit by allowing her to peek out her bedroom window and watch Daddy shovel snow for the 18th time this week.
Hannah is usually happy and content. I know her teeth are still bothering her, and although she is napping in her crib, she isn't taking as long of naps. We've gone from two hours down to one to one and half. I'm sure the lack of sleep during the day is also contributing to her grouchiness. I was able to snap a few pictures this afternoon and they actually turned out okay! I thought I was getting really good with my new camera, but after the pictures I've taken the last few days, I'm starting to wonder how much I really know! I seriously think I need to take a class on photography. Now to find the time (and money) to do that!
Here are a few pictures from yesterday:
She had an "Alfalfa" look going on!
And a few from today:
She is able to stand at the ottoman by herself!
Mommy is close by, of course!
She noticed the camera...
...and wanted to touch it! I really need to get a UV filter to protect my lens from fingerprints!!
I'm thinking we'll attempt a birthday photo shoot this weekend. I have a few cute ideas, so I'm hoping Hannah's in a picture kind of mood!
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