Gram and Pap are officially back from Disney World. They arrived home to dreary, gray Pennsylvania yesterday afternoon. After spending eight days in 60-70 degree weather with blooming flowers and palm trees, the shock of the Pa climate this time of year was just that...a shock. Nevertheless, they ventured out in the cold to come and bring gifts for the girls.
This is a set of all of the Mickey Mouse characters. They are quickly becoming a favorite in our house!
Hannah clearly had gone through Gram and Pap withdrawl. She sat on top of Gram last night when Pap said it was time to go home. She didn't want them to leave. It was telling today when I informed her that Gram was on her way over. Hannah parked herself in front of the window in the living room and waited for her arrival.
Can she be any cuter?!
In other news, Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Gene stopped over for a bit this evening. It had been a little while since they had visited and wanted to spend some time with the girls. It took Hannah a little while to warm up, as she had thrown a huge tantrum five minutes before they walked through the door and had just woken up from a four hour (yes...she really did sleep that long!) nap. Once she did, though, she chatted and hugged, and showed off! She's been saying some form of "Cheryl" all evening while looking at the picture I took of Aunt Cheryl and Sarah together.
Sarah was very comfortable with Aunt Cheryl and warmed up right much so that she promptly dozed off...
She is so precious!
Since Micah and I couldn't go out to dinner this evening, he stopped at Chick-Fil-A on the way home from Costco. Nothing says "I love you" like a fabulous fast food dinner...and no, I'm not being sarcastic. I love me some Chick-Fil-A! Doesn't do much for my wasteline, but that's a whole other subject that I'm just not getting into. If only I could get my jiggly rear out of bed to exercise in the morning, this wouldn't be as much of a problem. Soon enough, soon enough.
Anyway, back to Valentine's Day and all things romantic. Micah suprised me (along with the fabulous dinner) with a dozen red roses! I love him! I tried my hand at close-up flower shots and quickly realized that I have neither the talent or correct equipment to obtain these types of shots. So now I have yet another thing on my camera "wish list"...a nice macro lens. I think I'd actually use it more than I originally thought, so perhaps that will be one of my next big purchases. Ugh. I think I need to pick up a second job to pay for this hobby, as my list of wants grows almost daily. Yikes!
Anyway, here's one of the better shots I got of the beautiful flowers. Not exactly what I was going for, but not a complete tosser...
Well, that's about it. It's getting to be bedtime in these parts. Micah has Sarah slung over his shoulder, and Hannah is running circles around a pile of toys in the family room. It appears it is time for Mom to intervene. ::wink wink::
And I wanted to say thank you to all of you who read my blog religiously. It is so nice to know I'm not just writing for myself, but also for somewhat of an audience. It encourages me to write better, think more creatively, and take more pictures (well, okay, I'd be taking just as many regardless, but you know what I mean!).
Happy Valentine's Day. May you spend the last few hours of the day with the one(s) you love most! Enjoy!
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