Hannah wakes up in the morning requesting to watch "Beast", goes to bed at night talking about it, and even so much as took the DVD cover to bed with her for naptime today. Thank God we are off the Mickey Mouse kick for the time being. And for anyone whose concerned that I allow my child to sit in front of the TV all day, a disclaimer...while the movie may be playing in the background, we are only techniquely watching it about 25% of the time. Hannah is usually engulfed in a book, coloring, playing with her Mickey figurines, or in an entirely different room of the house. But...shut it off...she knows. Doesn't matter where she is. She knows. So, I leave it on to keep the peace. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't like to watch it almost as much as she does!
Yesterday we were blessed with temperatures in the high 50's, so after a painful trip to the dentist (had a cavity that had apparently tunneled its way under another filling thanks to the eight months I had to wait to get it taken care of due to my recent pregnancy) I ventured outside for literally the first time since we've lived here. Sad, but true. I've become increasingly interested in macro photography recently and wanted to try my hand at it with the newly exposed "greens" of our front and back yard.
During my scavenger hunt, I happened upon a single rose, who, despite the several inches of snow, howling winds, and bitter cold temperatures, managed to hang on to its stem. Yes, it is dead, but doesn't it have such a simple beauty? Plus, it reminds me of the wilting rose in Beauty and the Beast. Bonus points!
And a live one, to brighten things up a bit...
So, since I've now found another love in this hobby, I'm trying to convince Micah that I need either extension tubes or a macro lens (which comes at quite a price!) to better my close ups. So far I haven't convinced him...he doesn't know it, but his time is coming! He can't resist the eyelash bat and pouty face. Hun, you know I love you and I'm teasing, as I'm sure you are reading this!
Can I just say that I am loving my newfound interest in photography? Like, looking at other's pictures and following blogs of photographers whose work I admire makes my heart beat faster. I'm not kidding. It's true what they say, that a picture says a thousand words. It's also true to say that pictures are speaking volumes to me these days. I'm in a whole other world, seeing almost everything as a photo opportunity. Yes, I want new equipment, an upgraded camera body, a gorgeous camera bag, but even with what I have (and my collection is nothing to sneeze at in my eyes!) I am so enjoying this. I think it's safe to say it's quickly becoming, and has become, a passion of mine and I can't wait to see where I'm at a year from now, two years, ten years. The possibilities are endless which is why I love it. Finally a creative outlet that I truly enjoy. I've been searching for this for a long time and I'm so happy I've found something that I love this much.
Not only do I benefit from this, so does my husband...even if he doesn't know it yet. I am capturing timeless images of his beautiful babies. He should thank me...ahem.
Now that I've rambled on, I've made myself hungry, which reminds me that I have company coming for dinner and that I should probably move from my normal position on the couch and make the house somewhat presentable for her arrival. Then again, who cares about the house? If I pick up the array of toys strewn all across my family room now, they'll be back out before she arrives anyway. So, why bother? I'll sit for a few more minutes while Sarah sleeps and Hannah throws a temper tantrum next to me because she can't get her puzzle pieces to fit properly. Guess it's time to intervene!
Until next time!
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