Our front room (aka, the "formal living room", which, in our home is anything but formal) is full of toys, a comfy, old loveseat with oversized pillows, our piano topped with every Willow Tree figurine I own, and Hannah's large pink princess tent. I'm not kidding. This thing is massive, and as much as I hate the way it looks and the amount of space it takes up, she adores it. So we leave it up.
Yesterday, she read books in her tent. She peeked out of the meshy windows at me and waved. She ran in there to hide when I called her name. She even took her play broom and vacuum cleaner and "cleaned" her castle. It was adorable. This kept her busy for some time, and I was grateful, as Sarah was having a rather fussy day.
Our front room provided us with lots of fun. I sat Sarah in front of the big windows to allow her to soak up some rays. I so long for the spring where I can expose her to the great outdoors! I can not wait to take both of my girls on a walk around our new neighborhood! I'm in the market for a double stroller. Any recommendations?!
I've been thinking a lot lately. I have so much time at home with my babies. It allows me time, even amid the noise and chaos, to really think. I love to be home. I haven't once in the past several weeks, felt stir crazy or as if I was locked up. I love to be here with my girls.
My thoughts swirl from photography, to what I'm going to sew next, to all of the things I want to get accomplished before I return to work...and of course there are deeper thoughts that I can't even put into words. I think about how much I love my family. How I'd do anything and everything for them. How I want to give my daughters the world, and then some. I want them to experience love so powerful and unconditional from Micah and from me. I want them to know God...to know His voice. I know He speaks to them, and I know they hear. I want the absolute best for them in everything. I can't express how much I truly love these two precious beings that God has so graciously entrusted to my care.
It is in these moments of deep thought that I realize. I am living my dream. This is what I've always wanted. This is what I hoped and prayed for. This is what I'm called to do. I'm a mother.
I'm so thankful for this new, gorgeous home we live in. It is so much my dream home. I love everything about it...down to the outdated border that adorns most of the downstairs. I'm so thankful that I have a loving husband who is going to fix this home to our taste over time. I'm so thankful for two beautiful little girls who fill this home with the noise and chaos that I mentioned above. It is good noise and good chaos. I'm so thankful that I'm able to be home with them as they grow. That I am able to work just two days a week during the school year and take the summers off to enjoy the goodness of those summer months with my girls.
I am truly living my dream.
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