Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend.

I've been horrible with blogging lately. I'm finding it harder and harder to make time to update with words and pictures. It's always in the back of my mind to jump online and share, but it seems there is always something of greater importance to do...like spend time with family. Hey, you can't blame me for that! ;)

This weekend was probably one of the most relaxing I've had for a long time. The weather was gorgeous, Micah was home, and the girls were absolute angels. It was truly picture perfect.

On Saturday, I took Levi's newborn pictures. I knew I was in for it when I arrived and he had been napping for a while. He started to wake up shortly after I arrived and began setting up my portable "studio". Brittanie brought him downstairs and we gave it a whirl. Can I just say that I have an even greater respect for newborn photographers?! After the first few attempts, I started to panic that I wasn't going to end up with anything close to useable for them. He did eventually fall into a very light sleep, and I was so flustered that I ended up shooting from the wrong angle and now have a bunch of pictures that need backgrounds cloned out...and I am really struggling trying to figure out how to go about doing that. Oh well. Live and learn.
Right now, I'm really enjoying the fact that my photography "career" is just a really awesome, rewarding hobby. I'm actually very content with that. Who knows what will happen sometime in the future. Right now I'm concerned with the right now. :)

Wow, so that got a little long. Anyway, back to said weekend.

Micah's 29th birthday was Saturday, as well as our 6 year wedding anniversary. Can you believe it?! Six years of marital bliss has flown by. It got me thinking of all we've "accomplished" over the years. Two homes, four cars, four jobs (each of us have had two, and I still work at both), and two beautiful, perfect baby girls. There are a billion other things we've accomplished, but these few stood out the most to me. We certainly have come a long way. Friends have come and gone, even some family, but we've stuck together, fallen even deeper in love, and now share our hearts with two sweet little girls that depend on us for everything. Love is quite undefinable.

We had a FHGI get-together Saturday evening, so Micah and I decided to celebrate everything on Sunday. We both dressed up, packed the girls' things for a trip down the road to Gram and Pap's, and headed to our favorite town for lunch and some shopping.
It's so refreshing to get out, just the two of us. It doesn't happen nearly often enough, and we bask in the sweetness of alonetime when it does.

After a relaxing afternoon out, we came home to two napping babies, joined in on the "fun", then headed to Aunt Cheryl's for a Memorial Day picnic. I didn't bring my camera out hardly at all this weekend, mostly because I didn't feel like it after my disaster of a newborn session. Sometimes you just need a break, and I thought this weekend was as good a time as any to take that break.
Hannah got the chance to play with her cousins, and Sarah spent time in the arms of Aunt's, Uncle's, and cousin's arms.

Monday was nothing short of fabulous. Micah was off from work (normally an 11-12 hour day) and we had gorgeous, sunny, 90+ degree weather. It was absolutely perfect.
Hannah woke up begging to go to Grammy and Pap's, so I got the girls dressed, loaded them into the double stroller, and started the 1-minute walk to my parent's house, leaving Micah at home to begin installing the new garage doors. Don't worry...he did have help! :)
What started as a quick visit ended up in a whole-day event. Grammy was planting flowers while Pap mowed the lawn. Hannah wanted to help plant flowers and was soon covered in dirt, her little flushed cheeks rounded from smiling.
I normally wouldn't do this, but I rigged the garden hose into a flip flop and created a sprinkler for her...and let her run through it in her clothes. She thought this was amazing and squealed and laughed. Micah said he could hear her at our house four doors down. :)
After naps, we headed back down to Grammy and Pap's for a cookout and more fun outdoors. This time, I remembered Hannah's bathing suit.
New flips went straight into the pool.

In between dips in the pool, bubbles were blown.

I love her face in this one.

We ended the evening by splashing in the pool. It was a splendid weekend! I hope you enjoyed yours as well!

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